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Yes, people are making new games for the Nintendo Entertainment System, and they are amazing! The NESmaker Byte-Off Awards are the capstone of the Byte-Off competition, where users were given a month to create a playable demo based on a provided theme.


The 2020 theme was “TIMELESS.” This tongue-in-cheek award show parody also serves as the finale of the web series A Riff In Time, a ridiculous story about time travel and clones and cyborg dogs and horrible 80s fashion, all centered around celebrating these amazing games.


As much as it is parody, it is also very real and sincere in its appreciation and recognition of this year's creations by the NESmaker community. We love you guys!


Hosted by: Joe Granato and Austin McKinley


Judges: Vivek Vasudevan, Chris Hoffman, Mellissa Hannon, Orion Dommisse, Ryan Burger, Dale Coop

Play Byte-Off Entires - vote for your favorite!

Click on the widget below to open up an arcade of NESmaker Byte-Off 2020 submissions!  We are attempting to make the interface a little less clunky, but for now, you should be able to play all the games right in browser on the page! 


Alternatively, you can download the ROM pack to use with your favorite emulator (must support Mapper 30).  We recommend using MESEN.


PLAY IN BROWSER ON ITCH.IO (on computer only)

DOWNLOAD ROM PACK (for use in emulators that use Mapper 30)


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